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Archive for April 2019

NJAJ Annual Boardwalk Seminar 2019

Join us May 8-10 in Atlantic City at the New Jersey Association of Justice Boardwalk Seminar 2019. Visit us at Booth 804/903 and enter our Grand Prize Raffle! Chief Economist Kristin Kucsma will speak as a Master of Trial Advocacy on May 8 at noon, joining a distinguished panel of trial lawyers.

West Palm Beach, FL CLE

Join Kristin Kucsma on April 2, 2019, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. in West Palm Beach, FL for a complimentary dinner and CLE seminar, “Using a Vocational Expert/Life Care Planner & Economist in Documenting the Damages in Personal Injury Cases.” Kristin will be joined by Edmond Provder of Occupational Assessment Services, Inc. To register and for… Read More »

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